Set up Capture Service (CS)

In order to effectively use NP WMS, the module should be first set up with the required parameters:

  1. Click the Lightbulb button, enter CS Setup and choose the related link.

  2. Click New.

  3. Fill out the necessary fields in the following tabs:

Field NameDescription
General SetupGeneral settings regarding the capture service.
Stock TakeSettings for the Stock Take module.
RFIDSettings related to the radio-frequency identification.
Ship & ReceiveSettings related to warehouse document posting.
Price CalculationSettings related to the price calculation of items.
SearchSettings related to grouping of search results.
WorksheetSettings related to the stock count.
Physical Inventory CountingSettings related to the physical inventory count.
Job QueueSettings related to job queue processing.
Azure PrintingSettings related to the Azure universal print service.

See also