Tax-free profile parameters

The following fields and options can be populated when setting the parameters for tax-free profiles:

General settings

Field NameDescription
Shop ID, Desk ID, Username and PasswordProvide the customer-specific information in all of these fields.
Consolidation AllowedSpecifies whether multiple sales lines can be consolidated in a single tax-free voucher.
Consolidation Separate LimitsSpecifies whether multiple sales receipts in a single consolidation attempt should be treated as one in regards to amount limits.
Voucher Issue Date LimitSpecifies the date limit on issuing the tax-free vouchers for the existing sales receipts.
Count Zero VAT Goods for LimitSpecifies whether or not the items without any VAT should count towards the amount limits even though they aren’t a part of the actual voucher.

Dialog settings

All settings in the Dialog section control the traveler info capture flow when issuing a tax-free voucher. All of the settings themselves can be hidden, optional or required.

Automatic settings

All settings in the Automatic section are filled out automatically when the Auto Configure action is selected on the Tax Free Units administrative section.

See also