Set up exchange labels

Exchange labels are issued by retailers to customers if they want to exchange a purchased item for the same item with a different quality (color, size) or a completely different item, rather than return the purchased item and receiving a refund.

This topic describes the process of setting up exchange labels, which can later be scanned on the POS to automatically create a negative sales line for return of items.


  • Have a print template using the exchange label table as the data source.
  • Have a number series which doesn’t contain non-number digits.


  1. Click the Lightbulb button, enter Exchange Label Setup, and open the related link.
    The administrative section containing the list of all exchange labels is displayed.
  2. Populate the necessary fields:
Field NameDescription
EAN Prefix Exchange LabelSpecifies the first two digits of the Exchange Label.
Exchange Label Nos.Specifies the number series used for the exchange label. Note that the exchange label is created as an EAN13 code, so the length of the prefix + the selected no. series should be 12 at most.
Purchase Price CodeIf wish to write the price on the printed exchange label, but you also wish to hide it, this field can be used to create a cipher which is used for modifying the printed price. For example, having a Purchase Price Code of ABCDEFGHIJ may entail that a price of 349,95 will become DEJJF on the printed exchange label.
Field NameDescription
Exchange Label Exchange PeriodSpecifies the validity duration of the exchange label. By default, the period is set to 3Y.
Exchange Label Default DateSpecifies the default starting date for the exchange label validity. If the field is left blank, the default date is the day of the label’s creation.
Insert Cross Reference When Finishing SaleThe exchange labels are stored in the Exchange Label table. They are created either when using the POS action PRINT_EXCH_LABEL or by ticking this checkmark. An entry is automatically created in the Exchange Label table when finalizing a sale, although the label isn’t automatically printed.

See also