POS Input Box Profile events

The POS input box profiles are used for setting up the type of data that will be recognized in the POS unit input boxes. There are two types of POS input box profiles - one is used in the Sale View, and the other one in the Payment View of the POS unit.

Events which trigger the action for inserting data in the POS are assigned in the POS Input Box Setup Events section of POS Input Box Setups. In this section the editable fields are Event Code and Enabled. Every Event Code has to be enabled so it can be used in the POS.

Every event needs to be enabled before it can be used on the POS. The following options are available:

CodeModule nameDescriptionAction codeAction descriptionPOS viewEvent codeunit
BOARDING_PASSTax FreeBoarding PassBOARDINGPASSa POS action for scanning a boarding passSale6150837
BOARDINGPASSTax FreeBoarding PassBOARDINGPASSa POS action for scanning a boarding passSale6150837
CUSTOMERNAMECustomerCustomer NameCUSTOMER_SELECTa POS action for attaching or removing customers from a POS saleSale6150865
CUSTOMERNOCustomerCustomer No.CUSTOMER_SELECTa POS action for attaching or removing customers from a POS saleSale6150865
DISCOUNT_COUPONDiscount CouponReference No.SCAN_COUPONa POS action that handles scanning discount couponsSale6151590
EXCHLABELExchange LabelBarcodeEXCHANGELABELa POS action for handling exchange labelsSale6150830
GLOBAL_EXCHANGEGlobal ExchangeHandles return of the global exchange labelCROSS_REF_RETURNa POS action for returning items based on their global cross reference numbersSale6151169
INPUTBOX_JSON_ACTIONJSON Action OrchestrationJSON payload actionINPUTBOX_JSONa POS action for handling JSON sent to the input boxSale6150947
ITEM_UNIT_PRICEItemInsert items and set unit prices from the barcodeITEM_UNIT_PRICEa POS action for inserting items and setting the unit price from the barcodeSale6150855
ITEMCROSSREFERENCENOItemItem cross referenceITEMa POS action for inserting item lines into the current transactionSale6150723
ITEMNOItemItem numberITEMa POS action for inserting item lines into the current transactionSale6150723
ITEMQTYItemInsert item and set quantity directly from the barcodeITEM_QTYa POS action for inserting items and setting the quantity directly from the barcodeSale6150856
ITEMSEARCHItemSearch descriptionITEMa POS action for inserting item lines into the current transactionSale6150723
MEMBER_ARRIVALMembership managementExternal card no.MM_MEMBER_ARRIVALa POS action which handles member arrival functionsSale6060140
MEMBER_SELECTMembership loyaltyExternal card no.MM_MEMBER_LOYALTYa POS action used for redeeming member points and applying them as couponsSale6060146
PARKED_SALEParked sales ticket no.Sales ticket no.LOAD_FROM_POS_QUOTEa POS action for loading the POS sale from the POS saved saleSale6151005
PLAY_SOUNDGlobalPlays an audio file from an URLPLAY_SOUNDa POS action for playing back an audio file from the provided URLSale6150786
QTYSTARSale lineQuantityQUANTITYa POS action for posting inventory adjustments directly from the POSSale6150808
SALEPRICESale lineAmountCHANGE_AMOUNTa POS action used for changing the line amount via the POS input box eventsSale6151175
SERIALNOITEMCROSSREFItemItem referenceITEMa POS action for inserting an item line into the current transactionSale6150723
SS_ITEM_SEARCHItemSearch descriptionSS-ITEMa POS action for self-service/inserting item lines into the current transactionSale6150723
SS_ITEM_X_REF_NOItemItem referenceSS-ITEMa POS action for self-service/inserting item lines into the current transactionSale6150723
SS_ITEMNOItemItem No.SS-ITEMa POS action for self-service/inserting item lines into the current transactionSale6150723
SS_SERIALNO_X_REFItemItem referenceSS-ITEMa POS action for self-service/inserting item lines into the current transactionSale6150723
TICKET_ARRIVALTicket managementExternal ticket no.TM_TICKETMGMT_3a POS action that handles ticket management functionsSale6060123
SCAN_VOUCHER_2Enter reference no.Reference no.SCAN_VOUCHER_2a POS action that handles scanning retail vouchers (payment)Payment6151444

See also