Set up POS Posting Profile

Each POS unit can have a different set of posting rules. The first thing is to set POS Posting Profile.

  1. Click the Lightbulb button, enter POS Posting Profile, and choose the related link.

  2. Create New.

  3. Add the Code in the indicated field.

  4. Add a Description.

  5. Make a selection between Store and Customer in the Default POS Posting Setup field.
    Your choice determines whether rules will apply to the POS store or customers.

  6. Set the value of the Source Code field to Retail.

  7. Set the predefined posting group in the field General Business Posting Group.

  8. Set the predefined VAT posting group in the VAT Business Posting Group field.

  9. (Optional) If the posting profile is set up for the US localization, populate the Tax Area Code and Tax Liable fields.

  10. (Optional) If the posting to the General Ledger is done by posting the period compression, populate the POS period Register No. Series field.

  11. (Optional) If a customer is assigned to a specific POS store, populate the VAT Customer No. field.

  12. Define how the POS entries will be posted in Posting Compression.

    Field NameDescription
    UncompressedEvery POS entry line is posted as-is in the General Ledger (one posted line per a transaction line).
    Per POS EntryThe lines are compressed per an account code within that entry.
    Example: If you have 2 lines that use the same sales account and same dimensions, they will be compressed into 1 entry in the General Ledger Entries for that POS entry.
    Per POS PeriodAll transactions within that POS period are compressed per the same General Ledger account.
    Example: If you have 50 lines using the same sales account and same dimensions, they will be compressed into 1 entry in the General Ledger Entries for that POS Period of that POS unit.
  13. Specify the value of the Journal Template Name, which will be assigned to General Journal Lines in the POS Posting activity.

  14. Use the Max POS Posting Differences field to define the maximum allowed difference caused by the difference between currencies.

  15. Define the G/L account on which these differences will be posted in Difference Account.

  16. Use the POS Sales Rounding Account field to define the G/L account in which all sales rounding amounts will be posted.

  17. Define on which decimal spaces the rounding will be performed in the POS Sales Amount Rounding field.

  18. Define how the rounding will be performed in Rounding Type.
    The possible settings are Nearest, Up or Down.

  19. Use the Post POS Sale Documents with Job Queue to allow the salesperson to continue with the work while the sale document posting is running in the background.


Next steps

Add the POS Posting Profile to the POS Store

  1. Click the Lightbulb button, enter POS Store List and choose the related link.
  2. Select the POS store to which you want to link the prepared POS Posting Profile.
  3. Add the prepared POS Posting Profile to the POS Posting Profile field.

pos pos

See also