Item card

The following configuration illustrates the registration of an item belonging to the category GARMENT. The Item Card consists of the following sections:

General section

Field NameDescriptionExample
No.The number with which the item is identified in the system.10010
DescriptionA short description of the Item Category.Hummel Lana Leggings
Description 2An optional additional description.Leave it blank.
BlockedBlocks the record from being posted in transactions. E.g. an item that is placed in a quarantine.Disactivated
TypeThere are several possible types of items:
- Inventory - Physical objects, such as bicycles, telephones, and desks, for which you need to use all inventory processes. This can also include non-physical items, such as software licenses and subscriptions, if the items have identification numbers, such as serial numbers. You can fully track item values and availability in inventory;
- Non-inventory - Physical objects, such as bolts or pens, that a business consumes but doesn’t need to fully track in the inventory (e.g. low-cost items that are only used internally);
- Service - A labor time unit, such as a consultancy hour, for limited business support.
Field NameDescriptionExample
Item StatusThe item status specifies the following actions allowed for the item: Initial (TRUE), Blocked (FALSE), Delete Allowed (TRUE), Rename Allowed (TRUE), Purchase Insert (TRUE), Purchase Release (TRUE), Purchase Post (TRUE), Sales Insert (TRUE), Sales Release (TRUE), and Sales Post (TRUE).01NEW
Item BrandIf a brand name is required, it can be stated here.Hummel
Base Unit of MeasureThe base unit for measuring an item, such as a piece, box, or pallet.PCS
Item Category CodeThe Item Category is used for grouping items. The items inherit all characteristics defined in the Item Category.GARMENT
Statistics GroupThe statistics group code used for statistical reporting purposes.Leave it blank.
Service Item GroupThe code for the service item group. Whenever this item is being sold, a service contract is created for the item in parallel.Leave it blank.
Various Item SalesWhen active, you can insert a price on the POS unit for the relevant item. When selecting the item on the sale line, a pop-up Numpad is displayed, and the salesperson is required to enter the selling price.Disactivated

Inventory section

This section contains various item statistics. It covers stats on purchases and sales, as well as storage weightage/volume. You can also state the number of the shelf on which the item is stored. This is relevant only for the store inventory and not warehouses where bins are used.

Field NameDescriptionExample
Prevent Negative InventoryIf an item is physically present in the store, but the inventory isn’t up to date, the customer should still be able to purchase the item.No

Costing & Posting section

Field NameDescriptionExample
DimensionYou can reset the two Global Dimension values at this level.Leave it blank.
Costing DetailsThe information regarding the costing method and the related cost of an item such as Unit Cost, Average Cost, Indirect Cost %, and Last Direct Cost is kept at this level. Some costs are generated automatically based on the purchase amount of the item.Costing Method = FIFO; Unit Cost = 125.00
Posting DetailsAll posting configuration for the item is done at this level. If you use Item Configuration Templates at the Item Category level during the item creation, this information can be preset in the templates.Gen. Prod. Posting Group = RETAIL; VAT Prod. Posting Group = VAT25; Inventory Posting Setup = SHOP
Foreign TradeInformation such as Tariff No. and the Country of Origin can be stored here.Leave it blank.

Item templates and configuration templates

There are two different ways of using templates to optimize the process of item creation:

  • Item Templates - there is a function on the Item Card to create item templates, under Actions > Function > Templates or Save as Template. Users can create templates used for item creation. Once a template is created, it will be activated and available for creation of items.
    If only one item template exists, the new Item Card is opened. If there’s only one template, some of its fields are populated automatically with information from it. If there is more than one template, a new page with the list of available templates is displayed, and you need to choose one of them.
  • Configuration Templates - On the Item Category page, you can create a Configuration Template using different fields in the Item table. When assigning the category to the item, the values are also assigned.

Price & Sales section

This section contains different prices such as the Unit Price, Unit List Price, Price including VAT & excluding VAT, as well as statistics such as profit calculation, percentage and quantity sold. You also have information on different types of discounts on the item unit price as well as the VAT Bus. Posting Gr. (Price) regarding the Item.

Variety section

The variety setup is a customized way of treating variant codes on the POS unit, and as such requires a separate article.

Field NameDescriptionExample
Main Item/VariationSpecifies if the item is a main item or a variation of another item.Leave it blank.
Main Item No.Specifies the number of the main item if this item is a variation of another item.Leave it blank.
Item AddOn No.The code of the item AddOn that can be attached to the item. It affects the behavior on the POS when selling items. E.g. You can attach an item accessory or insurance to the item. When selling the item on the POS, a second line is automatically inserted with the item defined in the Item AddOn scheme.Leave it blank.
Rest. Item Routing ProfileAdditional information can be attached to the Item Card for the NP Restaurant module.Leave it blank.
Guarantee VoucherWhen selling the item, a guarantee voucher is issued automatically if this field is active.Leave it blank.
No. Print on ReceiptWhen the item is sold, a receipt isn’t printed automatically if this field is active.Leave it blank.
Ticket TypeThe ticket type associated with this item for the NP Entertainment module.Leave it blank.
Print TagsSpecifies the item print tags.Leave it blank.

Magento section

You can define the characteristics of the Magento item and establish the relationship between an item from Business Central and the web shop. Details such as description, brand, unit price, SEO link to the Magento Item on the Magento portal, attributes, and the product relationship are stored here.

Extra Fields section

This section covers the attributes assigned to the item. This section will be sunsetted in the future and replaced by the standard Business Central version of Attributes.

Replenishment section

This section specifies how replenishment of items is being handled. You can find the details about the vendor, the purchase, unit of measure and the method of replenishment. The purchased item can be a finished product or an assembly/manufactured product.

Planning section

If you want to use the Calculate Plan function, you need to configure details like a reordering policy, reordering point, and reordering quantity. The Safety Lead Time & Safety Stock Quantity also need to be configured and considered in the calculation.

Hence when using the requisitions worksheet for the purchasers, the configurations above are needed.

Item Tracking section

If you want to use the Item Tracking functionalities, the parameters in this section need to be configured.

Warehouse section

If you want to use the Warehousing functionalities, the parameters in this section need to be populated.


Microsoft documentation - How to register a new item