Set up salespeople/purchasers

By default, a seller code is required to log into the register. This helps ensure that unauthorized parties can’t gain access to the POS unit, and brings up the collection of statistics that cater to each employee.

Follow the provided steps to set up salespeople/purchasers:

  1. Click the Lightbulb button, enter Salespeople/Purchasers, and choose the related link.
    The list of all sellers that exist in the systems is displayed.
  2. Click New to create a new seller.
  3. Populate the following mandatory fields:
Field NameDescription
Codethe code can be anything you want, it’s used to track all created sellers.
Namethe clerk’s name.
  1. If needed, populate the following optional fields:
Field NameDescription
Job TitleYou can add the salesperson’s job title here.
EmailThis field is used for the salesperson’s email address.
Phone No.The employee’s phone number can be provided here.
Department Code/Project CodeIf the business uses these codes, you can provide them here.
Commission PercentThis field can store the individual employee’s commission rate.
BlockedIf active, it isn’t possible to create transactions associated with this salesperson’s code.
POS Unit PasswordThis password is used by the salesperson to log into the POS unit. This password is numeric and unique.
POS Unit GroupThis field is used for assigning a salesperson to a POS unit group, which consequently allows that salesperson to only be able to work on POS units within that group.
SupervisorIf active, the salesperson is treated as a supervisor on the POS, which provides them with the adequate security clearance level.

See also