Install Minor Tom

Minor Tom offers only the essential POS features necessary for working in retail. Due to its limited functionality, it is faster and intended for wider usage. Follow these steps to set up Minor Tom:

  1. Download Minor Tom either from the NP Retail Role Center dashboard, or from the direct link, and install it.
    The desktop shortcut is automatically created as soon as installation is finished.

  2. Open Minor Tom.
    When you enter the app for the first time, you will be presented with the setup page.

  3. Depending on which environment you’re using, do one of the following:


    • Both Username and Password are optional, but you can provide them if you wish to enable the auto-login feature.
    • In the URL field paste the URL of the Business Central instance in the following form:
    • Make sure that the toggle switch is deactivated so that OnPrem is highligted.

    Cloud (SaaS)

    • Leave the Username and Password fields empty.
    • Paste the URL for the Business Central instance into the URL field, while using the following form: https://businesscentral.dynamics/[TenantID]/[Environment]. The POS page will be automatically appended to the provided URL. Alternatively follow the steps below with Enviroments.
    • Enable the toggle switch such that Cloud is highlighted.
    • When the Cloud option is selected, a new dropdown box and a refresh button are displayed on the screen.
      • Click Refresh, and follow the login steps presented, with an account that is connected to any of the Cloud BC Environments.
        After the login popup is closed, the dropdown box should be filled with different environment names.
      • Select the environment you want to use.
        The URL field is updated with a new URL.
      • Click Save to save the changes.
  4. Once the installation is complete, click New Sale in the sidebar (right-click to open/close the sidebar) to start using the POS features.