EFT Transaction Request table

Refer to the descriptions of options and fields within the NPR EFT Transaction Request administrative section.

Field NameDescription
Entry No.The entry number is assigned automatically.
Integration TypeSpecifies the identifier of the specific integration used for the request.
Processing TypeSpecifies the type of the transaction request, i.e. Payment, Refund, Open, Close, Auxiliary, Other, Void, Lookup, Setup and Gift Card Load.
Auxiliary Operation Desc.When the Auxiliary processing type is selected, this field will be populated with a text description of the integration-specific auxiliary function.
StartedSpecifies the timestamp that indicates when the EFT framework has created the request.
FinishedSpecifies the timestamp that indicates when the EFT framework has received response for the request.
DurationSpecifies the duration of entry transfer to Business Central.
Result AmountThis is a result field that the EFT framework will act on upon response. The amount output is intended to be used in whatever syntax is required by the external system, while this field is solely intended for NP Retail. E.g. If an integration requires a positive sign for all operations, a refund of 900,00 can have the amount output of 900,00, whereas the result amount will be -900,00, since the financial value in NP Retail is -900,00.
Sales Ticket No.Specifies the number of the receipt that was active at the time of creating the request.
POS Unit No.Specifies the number of the POS unit that was active at the time of creating the request.
User IDSpecifies the ID of the user that was logged in Business Central at the time of creating the request.
SuccessfulSpecifies the transaction result from the external EFT system.
External Result KnownThis value should be set to “false” only if your integration has invoked the external EFT system successfully, but a problem occurred that prevented a conclusive result from being retrieved.
Result ProcessedSpecifies whether the entry result is processed or not.
Force ClosedIndicates whether the dialog was force-closed by the end user, if the integration supports it.
ReversedThis value is set by the framework if the transaction has been reversed with a Void or a Refund transaction.
RecoveredSpecifies if the transaction result can be looked up later (=recovered). The value of this field is used together with External Result Known to determine if the end user should be prompted to perform the recovery of a transaction done by the EFT framework, in the event that an error has occurred.
Result Display TextThis is an integration-specific option. If the external result isn’t known, a message will be displayed. E.g. Failed to send a message to POI. There may be a network issue, or the WebSocket connection hasn’t been established.
NST ErrorCan be used to store a C/AL error text in the integration.
Client ErrorCan be used to store a client-side error text in the integration.
Result Code, Result Description, Card Type, Card Name, Card Number, and Card Expiry DateThese values are integration-specific.
Card Application IDSpecifies the card application ID. Each card type has a unique application ID. For example, for VISA, the ID is: A0000000031010.
Reference Number InputThis field should be set by each integration to whatever value is used as the reference number from the External EFT System. A good candidate would be the value of the Token field, but some integrations might have syntax requirements.
Field NameDescription
Reference Number OutputSpecifies the reference number from an external EFT system. This value will be copied onto any payment line created as a result of this EFT transaction request.
Authorization NumberThis value is integration-specific.
Auxiliary Operation IDWhen the processing type is set to Auxiliary, this field will indicate which of the integration-specific auxiliary functions is requested.
Mode, Offline Mode, and Integration Version CodeThese values are integration-specific.
External Transaction IDCan be used to store an external customer token/ID.
External Customer IDCan be used to store an external customer token/ID.
Hardware IDThis value is an integration-specific identifier of the hardware that has performed the request.
Transaction Date, Transaction Time, Authentication Method, and Bookkeeping PeriodThese values are integration-specific.
Amount InputThis value is set by the framework to whatever the operation should act on, e.g. A value of 900,00 with a Payment processing type means that the request is a payment of 900,00; A value of -900,00 with a Refund processing type means that the request is a refund of 900,00.
Amount OutputSpecifies the transaction amount from an external EFT system.
Currency CodeSpecifies the currency for the Amount Input field.
Cashback AmountThe framework calculates how much of a payment request amount will be above the sale total. This can be used by integrations to disallow cashback or to register it differently than purchasing of goods.
Fee AmountThis value is integration-specific.
Financial ImpactThe framework marks all successful transactions with a non-zero result amount as financial impact requests.
For LOOKUP (recovery), only the results that realign NP Retail with a previously unknown result are marked as financial impact. Lookups that confirm the originally recorded result aren’t marked as financial impact.
Processed Entry No.This number should be provided for the request types that can/need to act another transaction. I.e. when voiding, this field will refer to the entry number of the transaction that is being voided.
Reversed by Entry No.Specifies the entry number of the transaction request that voided the transaction.
Recovered by Entry No.Specifies the entry number of the transaction request that recovered the transaction.
Initiated from Entry No.This value is integration-specific. It can be used to chain requests. It is not a framework feature, but some integrations (e.g. Pepper) use this approach to retry requests in case an internal error occurs.
Receipt 1 and Receipt 2These are blobs for the first and the second receipt.
No. of ReprintsThis value should be left as 0 unless reprinted. Each reprint increments by one. It can be used by a receipt print template to print COPY text, or similar, on reprints.
TokenSpecifies the GUID generated upon request creation.
Number of AttemptsThis value is integration-specific. It can be used to chain requests. This isn’t a framework feature, but some integrations use this approach to retry requests in case an internal error occurs.
Moved to POS EntrySpecifies whether an entry has been moved to POS.
Matched in ReconciliationSpecifies whether the entry has been matched in reconciliation.
PSP ReferenceSpecifies the NP Pay transaction ID.
ReconciledSpecifies whether the entry has been reconciled with an NP Pay transaction.
Reconciliation DateSpecifies the date when the current EFT transaction request has been reconciled.
Manual CaptureSpecifies whether a manual capture has taken place.