Set up fiscalization compliance - Denmark
Follow the provided steps to set up fiscalization compliance with Danish fiscal laws:
- Go to POS Audit Profiles page, enable the audit log, and set the Audit Handler to DK_SKAT.
Make sure this audit profile is set for all POS units in the POS Unit List - Open the DK Fiscalization Setup page, and enable the fiscalization compliance with Denmark by activating the Enable DK Fiscalisation toggle switch.
- Request a self-signed certificate from NaviPartner, with a proper algorithm that caters to the specific customer’s needs.
- Provide the Certificate Password in the designated field located in the Sign Certificate panel, then upload the certificate received from NaviPartner via the Upload Certificate action in the ribbon.
- In the SAFTCash panel, populate the fields used for forming the request for additional information for exporting an XML file to a SAF-T Cash Register.
The SAF-T Contact No. field should correspond to the number of the contact/employee.