Ticket Admission

A Ticket Admission defines what a ticket is valid for.

The admission can be either tied to a location or an event. A location is typically physical, like a museum, while an event is something within the location, such as a guided tour.

A ticket for an event admission is valid for a specific time only, while location admissions are open and thus valid for any time within a larger timeframe.

The following fields and options are available for setup:

Field nameDescription
Admission CodeSpecifies the code which represents the type of venue (along with the description); you can also define whether it’s an event or a fixed location.
TypeSpecifies whether this is an event or a fixed location. If a reservation is required on the ticket, the type has to be Event.
Capacity Limits ByThe available options are: Admission - the column is going to look into the Max Capacity Per Sch. Entry; Schedule - the column is going to look into the configured schedules. Each admission can have multiple schedules, which are opening hours.
Default ScheduleThis controls how a schedule is selected. Today - selects the next available schedule for the current day; Next available - selects the next available schedule regardless of whether this schedule is valid for the current day; Scheduled Entry Required - forces a prompt to select a specific schedule.
Prebook FromConfigure how far in the future the ticket is going to be created; how much in advance you can prebook the product.
Capacity ControlThis controls how the capacity is handled: None - offers no capacity control; Sales - enables the sale of tickets equal to the amount stated in Max Capacity; Admitted - enables admission of tickets equal to the amount stated in Max Capacity; Admitted and Depart - enables admission of tickets equal to the amount stated in Max Capacity, but also allows for departure to be registered, freeing up the capacity.

See also