Group membership alterations

NaviPartner offers different types of membership alterations, including upgrades, renewals, and extensions. You can organize these alterations into groups and assign each group to a specific POS unit. This ensures that only the alterations within the assigned group are available at that POS, helping to control which changes can be processed at each location.

To use the feature, follow the provided steps:

  1. Click the Lightbulb button, enter Membership Alteration, and choose the related link.
    The list of available membership alterations is displayed.

  2. Select the alteration you want to add to a group, then click Add Alteration to Groups.
    The Membership Alteration Groups window is displayed.

  3. Click New.

  4. Enter a unique code and description to distinguish it from other groups, then click OK.
    The No. of Alterations in Group field is updated to reflect this change.

  5. Click the Lightbulb button, enter POS Member Profiles, and choose the related link.

  6. Click New or select an existing member profile to attach the alteration group.

  7. In the Alteration Group dropdown, select the alteration group you created.

  8. Click the Lightbulb button, enter POS Unit List, and choose the related link.

  9. Open the POS Unit you wish to assign the member profile to.

  10. In the POS Member Profile dropdown, select the profile you’ve edited.