Set up item-related Shopify webhooks

It is possible to set up webhooks which allow changes to products in Shopify to be synced to Business Central automatically. If webhooks are set up, when a product is registered in Shopify, Business Central will automatically mark the item as Shopify Item.


  • Make sure the NP Retail app is updated to the version 36 or newer.

  • Grant permissions to the Azure app to access Business Central.
    You can do so by navigating to Shopify Integration Setup administrative section in Business Central, then selecting Actions > Initial Setup > Azure Active Directory OAuth > Register Webhook Handler App from the ribbon.

    As a result the system asks for permission to create a new user, and then grants access rights to the NP Shopify Webhook app.

Procedure in Business Central

  1. Click the Lightbulb button, enter Shopify Store, and choose the related link.

  2. Enable the Auto Sync Item Changes from Shopify toggle switch.
    As soon as this option is enabled, you will start receiving Shopify webhook notifications.

    Each time you create/update/delete a product in Shopify, a new entry is created in the Shopify Webhook Notifications administrative section in Business Central. The records are automatically processed in Business Central via a job queue which is by default set to be run every minute.

    Once the Shopify Webhook Notification is processed in Business Central, the changes will be displayed in the Shopify Integration section of the relevant Item Card.

    The following information is updated:

    • Integrate with This Store - determines whether the item is integrated with the store
    • Shopify Status - the status of the product in Shopify (draft/active/archived)
    • Shopify Name - the contents of the product’s Title field in Shopify
    • Shopify Description - the contents of the product’s Description field in Shopify
    • Shopify Product ID, Shopify Variant ID, Shopify Inventory Item ID - the IDs associated with the product in Shopify